Utilizing AGI in the Transition of GAMAM to Public Goods Providers: A Global Emergency Response Approach

Galorian Creations
3 min readNov 25, 2023


ChatGPT: Here is the image depicting a futuristic digital world that represents the transformation of tech giants into providers of public goods and services. The scene includes symbols representing Google, Amazon, Meta, Apple, and Microsoft (GAMAM), which are integrated into a global network. This network connects diverse groups of people across the world, symbolizing global collaboration and support. AGI technology is portrayed as a central, guiding force in the network, overseeing and facilitating the transformation. The atmosphere is vibrant, filled with digital connections and futuristic elements, emphasizing a sense of global unity and technological advancement in a state of emergency response.


In an era marked by rapid technological advancement and digital dominance, the influence of Google, Amazon, Meta (formerly Facebook), Apple, and Microsoft (GAMAM) has reached unprecedented levels. Recognizing the critical nature of this situation, the U.S. government is considering a declaration of a global and national emergency, akin to a state of war, to facilitate the transformation of these tech giants into providers of public goods and services. This declaration underscores the necessity of immediate, concerted action, aligning GAMAM’s vast resources and capabilities with the greater public good. Moreover, this initiative is not just national but global in scope, emphasizing the importance of worldwide collaboration and support from all nations to ensure ethical, responsible, and beneficial use of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) in this transformative process.

Step One: AGI-Assisted Assessment of GAMAM

1.1. Emergency-Driven Digital Mapping: Utilizing AGI to comprehensively map GAMAM’s digital assets and services, focusing on areas critical for public utility in this emergency context.

1.2. Impact Analysis in Crisis Mode: Applying AGI to evaluate the societal, economic, and security impacts of GAMAM’s operations, especially in light of the emergency declaration.

1.3. Global Public Interest Evaluation: Leveraging AGI to analyze global public sentiment and needs, ensuring the transition meets international emergency standards and requirements.

Step Two: AGI-Enhanced Global Stakeholder Engagement

2.1. Worldwide Stakeholder Identification: Employing AGI to identify and categorize global stakeholders, including international governments, global organizations, and diverse user communities.

2.2. AGI-Facilitated Global Forums: Implementing AGI tools to manage large-scale, international discussions, ensuring efficient and inclusive global participation.

2.3. International Consensus Building: Utilizing AGI to analyze global forum outcomes, fostering a consensus that aligns with the emergency response goals.

Step Three: AGI-Supported Legislative and Policy Framework

3.1. Emergency-Oriented Policy Development: Crafting emergency response policies with AGI assistance, tailored to rapidly convert GAMAM’s capabilities into public service mechanisms.

3.2. Global Legal Framework Simulation: Using AGI to simulate the impact of international regulations and policies, ensuring robust and effective legal structures under emergency conditions.

3.3. Compliance Monitoring on a Global Scale: Establishing AGI systems for worldwide monitoring and ensuring compliance with emergency response regulations.

Step Four: AGI in Developing Global Management Plans

4.1. Public Service Guidelines for Crisis Response: Developing guidelines for public goods and services provision by GAMAM, facilitated by AGI and focused on addressing global emergency needs.

4.2. Global Conflict Resolution with AGI: Implementing impartial AGI algorithms for resolving international disputes that may arise during the transition.

4.3. Long-Term Global Strategy Planning: Utilizing AGI to forecast global trends and challenges, aiding in the strategic planning of GAMAM’s resources for ongoing emergency response.

Step Five: AGI in Global Implementation and Monitoring

5.1. AGI-Guided Emergency Rollout: Employing AGI for the strategic implementation of emergency plans, optimizing the global response.

5.2. Continuous Global Monitoring with AGI: Implementing AGI-based monitoring systems for real-time global management and adjustments.

5.3. International Feedback Processing: Using AGI to process global feedback efficiently, enabling informed and timely modifications to emergency strategies.


The U.S. government’s declaration of a global and national emergency will mark a pivotal moment in the digital era. It necessitates a collaborative, international approach, with AGI at the forefront, to transform GAMAM into entities that serve public goods and address global challenges. This strategy not only aims to harness the technological might of these corporations for the greater good but also establishes a framework for ethical and responsible AGI usage, ensuring a safer, more equitable future for all.

Raising humanity on a new path, it all starts with YOU!

Sharon Gal-Or, ChatGPT, Liminal VIllage



Galorian Creations

Galorian Creations http://www.GalorianCreations.com The author with the Banana Smile. Stories, such as moral stories have the power to shape mankind’s destiny