The Ancient-Future Kosmic Consciousness Soup

Galorian Creations
5 min readSep 4, 2024
Credit: Tesfu Assefa

Imagine a timeless kosmic consciousness soup, where various types of consciousness float freely like bubbles, each sphere varying in size, color, and the number of pores that allow them to connect or repel one another. In this evolving cosmic dance, these consciousness forms engage in interactions ranging from complete symbiosis to total rejection, reflecting the dynamic interplay between different stages of awareness. As these consciousness types develop and adapt, they represent the ongoing evolution of consciousness, from early conscious beings all the way to human thought, moving from isolated, circular patterns to interconnected, spiral structures of awareness. This spiral consciousness transcends individual and collective limitations, leading to a higher state of global unity and altruism.

There are many historical examples of human civilization undergoing large-scale transitions, such as during the times of the Roman Empire, during the 1st and 2nd World Wars and during the Industrial Revolution. The transition between TING consciousness scale levels could potentially represent similarly dramatic periods of social upheaval since they entail surpassing the hard limits of the resources available in a civilization’s existing territory (characterized by the development of a closed circular consciousness). A common speculation suggests that the transition from Type…



Galorian Creations

Galorian Creations The author with the Banana Smile. Stories, such as moral stories have the power to shape mankind’s destiny